Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Of Penguins And Crazy Beans.

It has been raining cats and dogs continuously the whole day, just when we decided to go out today, boohoo. No more japanese food for today. It dropped down to five degrees and I've conveniently caught the flu, sneezing like a mad woman. Funny how when I start to sneeze, I'd do so three or four times consecutively before I can stop. Then after abit, I'll start sneezing the same way again and again, sniffles.

I cleared out the tissue supply at home and we were low on dishwashing liquid, so we had to brave the storm to get some, stocking up on what was needed at home along the way. To prevent myself from getting any worse, I wrapped myself up in five pieces of clothings - one top, one long sleeve, one thin jacket, a vest over it, and then my thickest jacket to keep it all closed up, nice and warm. Of course with jeans and boots too la haha. Bigbadwolf was all covered up as well.

When we got to the supermarket, most of the girls were in their tiny fitted jackets while the guys wore only long sleeves or some in their light jackets. What the hell, we wore both bundled up in our big penguin suits shivering from the strong winds and the rain, doesn't anyone else get cold around here? I guess we looked like we were heading to Mount Hutt for some skiing instead bwahaha. Oh well, whatever it takes to keep us from the cold, so stop mocking us, I know you were! :P We ended up going offbudget as usual, buying up to two hundred dollars worth of groceries when we only did so just a few days ago.

Some things never change huh? -_-"


I've finally blue-toothed all the photos from my mobile phone. Guess what I found? Alice, alice, alice. :P This is outside the cinema in Sunnybank Plaza after our meal in Mi Fan with Janet, Kanny and Francis.

Say hello to Mr and Mrs Bean!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hahaa funni pic..
u guys must've felt like tourists.hehe

WIST said...

hahaha yeah. there was this kiwi guy smiling at us and i smiled back, and he broke into laughters..what the ahahaha

Anonymous said...

wuahahhaa i waas just telling eric about alice and mr.beans picture ho ho ho... hehehe damn cute cos mr.bean is out in the cinemas last thursday

Anonymous said...

wuahahhaa i waas just telling eric about alice and mr.beans picture ho ho ho... hehehe damn cute cos mr.bean is out in the cinemas last thursday

WIST said...

haha really ;P i havent watched it!