Friday, October 19, 2007

Stupid Mofo

At times, I really think that I'm a doofus from clutter land. Before mom left, she bought us a loaf of extra soft bread with sesame seeds sprinkled on top of it. It was really very delicate and very, very soft. It's usually something I wouldn't buy since I'm such a cheap arse. I'd just go for the cheapest loaf.

So as usual, I was toasting my bread halfway at our neighbouring company's kitchen when a sudden thought occurred to me. Hey! Maybe I should check to see if it was burnt because the bread is so soft and thin, it would get toasted even quicker right? Oh my god, am I like so smart or what? beams.

The toaster was placed high up on top of the microwave so I had to tilt it horizontally to be able to take a good look inside. To my horror, the two toasts popped right out of the toaster two seconds after I tilted it and shot right into my eyes!

Oh god, I didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. Why do things like these happen to me all the time! You can always, always count on me to walk into a wall, trip in front of a crowd, or buy an ice cream cone and have the ice cream fall right onto the ground. Funny thing was, I caught the two toasts before it could land on the floor, and I couldn't even remember trying to catch at all!

Please please, don't let there be a camera anywhere to witness my bimbotic incident! And if anyone should have caught me red handed, please pretend you didn't see anything and forget about everything!


Anonymous said...

lol funy shit.

Anonymous said...

hahaa..ur funni~

Anonymous said...

you're so cute heh. anyway do take extra care tho

WIST said...

hahaha thanks guys =(