Thursday, November 29, 2007

Victor and Paula's Wedding

On the sixth of october this year was my oldest cousin's wedding, Victor and Paula. I absolutely loved the lighting at the wedding reception, purple pink haha. What I love about weddings is the family gathering. My family came over and I had such a great time, I think I cried for three days consecutively after they left. Bigbadwolf called me a big baby, shook his head and tried to tuck me into bed, but to no avail. Sigh, I dunno why I'm such a baby too.

On a happier note, I'm going back to Malaysia for holidays next year with bigbadwolf, yenyen and ruby woohoo. I asked my mom if she wanted to go to go to Thailand with us since we were planning to but she snobbed me. I can't believe it! Who wouldn't want to spend time longer with such a wonderful daughter? My god. I think she must be blabbering nonsense without even thinking. She said that she's been there twice already, gah, I'm not gonna stop trying to convince her. Worse comes to worse, I'll make my dad go and then she'll probably wanna tag along then tee hee. Mission will not be impossible!
Oh crap, I think I need to book the tickets soon so it doesn't get too exxi.

I hate booking my flights early. I get excited too early and I can't stop daydreaming about malaysian and thai food while working in the office. I'm already imagining myself stuffing my face silly and shopping like there's no tomorrow, sigh. Can't we fast forward to two months later so I don't have to wait so long?

Anyways, here are photos from the wedding. It took me so much effort just to do this because I haven't edited photos and blogged in such a long time. Looking back at the photos, I miss my family so much. :( Patience, patience my dear. I will try to be patient.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

pretty collage..lovely dresses...pretty ppl....

Anonymous said...

hey dat is really cool deisgn devil!u shud do mor update liddat.:)

WIST said...

hahaha sounds like u again jade?????

im so lazy to update!!!!

Anonymous said...

;)hothothot chiqs u have in the pictures!

tIcKLeMe said...

oOoo..coming back?! calling! dion will be coming back too. :D but then hopefully when ur back, he's still around. :D

WIST said...

mich: heyy long time no see.. how you been babe?? hehe ur hot too ;P~

beckyyyyyyyyyy shmuaks! ooo when is dion coming back??? ill be back for a short two weeks >< sigh~ wish it was longer but work is work.. how have you been?? long time no speak :)

tIcKLeMe said...

haha should be anytime soon! two weeks. :O so short. i'm ok. been really busy with work. YOU DOING GOOD? :D

WIST said...

oh noo..then i dont think i get to see him >.< i dont go till near cny! im okay... busy working, and then when weekend comes i try to be busy making the most of it haha crap~! what have you been up to?? :)

tIcKLeMe said...

haha yea, come to think of it. dion should be back by then. i've been busy working. :( even on weekends. what do u work as? :D

WIST said...

hehe yeah everyone is hey.. sigh!! long gone are our carefree days ;( i manage sales accounts, and marketing for a point of sale company.. what about you?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Wedding..u look great babe

WIST said...

thanks babe.. you're a gorgeous yummy mummy too!! <3

tIcKLeMe said...

wow. sounds interesting.

i'm working as a producer in a production house. keke.

WIST said...

omg becky that is even more interesting!! mines not that interesting hahaha.. very techy ;p u get to meet different interesting people :))

tIcKLeMe said...

lol, but there's no freedom. :( hahahahaha. but yea, a lot of interesting ppl to meet up with. :D