Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Effing Flies

So I was in the office room in my usual position facing the blinds while using my laptop when some fishy business caught my attention. I looked up to see myself facing two flies mounted on top of each other... copulating!


I tried not to let it get to me by diverting my attention to surfing. After awhile, I still couldn't help but look up to stare. Boy were they at the same position and not moving for quite long! That's it, my hands automatically reached out for my camera and there I was with my camera right infront of the couple flashing nonstop hahaha. They didn't even budge, still in the very same position as it was few minutes ago. I do realise I was pretty rude barging in like that, intruder alert!:p

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Bigbadwolf got a big distracted with my inquisitiveness, and decided to shoo them away. Funny thing was they were still joined together in the same position while flying around in the office. They settled again on our office table, this time on top of the telephone. Alas...


Bigbadwolf decided he had enough and swatted the flies with a rolled up newspaper. Poor guys, all squished and splattered on top of each other. At least they died happy I guess? :p


Anonymous said...

hahahaa...tha's funni!!!LOL. Poor things, there were just tryin to get some intimacy..and had to risk their life for it..heheeeee

WIST said...

poor 'ol flies ;D