Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Salmon Overdose

As we left on our journey back home from Queenstown to Christchurch, I felt really bored and restless sitting in the car for so long, bum bum so sore la, hehehe. Thankfully just as we were about to make a pit stop for some fresh air, we chanced upon a sign that read, “Salmons sold here”. Woohoo, awesome baby! We quickly made a u-turn and stopped by to have a look.

It turned out to be a Salmon farm where they reared freshwater salmons. I got pretty excited knowing the fact that we’d be having our own supply of salmon sashimis at home that could last us for quite abit. They were so cheap too compared to the ones that were sold in the supermarket. It was around twelve dollars ninety cents per kilo for one whole fish, alot dearer if you wanted them to cut it for you of course.

Apparently, the salmon farm began by collecting eggs and milt from captive broodstock, incubating the fertilised eggs in a freshwater hatchery, and rearing the newly hatched fry for a further six to twelve months. The young smolts are then transferred to larger cages or ponds where they are reared for the remainder of their lives. Fish remain there in captivity for two to three years, and are typically harvested at weights of between 2 and 4 kg.

Here are some pictures of the salmon farm.
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Yumm tumms. So fresh and tantalising! Who wants some? Tease tease. :p
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We were even allowed to feed the salmons. It was pretty hard to take pictures of them coming up for their food, they were so quick! Here's my closest attempt to capture a shot of it. That's the friendly lady packing our salmons. salivates.
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What a glorious day it turned out to be. We got home and gorged ourselves silly with lotsa salmon sashimis, hahaha. After a few days of continuous feasting, I kinda got sick of it though, because we also made salmon fish head soup, cooked salmon fillets, had smoked salmon, it was pretty much salmon everything! But now... ooh boi, pass me s'more of that salmon sashimi please! :P
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Anonymous said...

Yummmmmy so pretty!!

Anonymous said...

ohh~ delish..i want to get me some of that :)~

WIST said...

mich: hehe yeah suppose to look like a rose in the middle >.< Fail!

sally: yeahh, im craving for some now looking at the photos, cos its a late update :P~ all gone!

Piffles said...

wah, you gotta know how to cut the salmon into sashimi pieces, right?

i want sashimi!

eh, you usually eat like a rabbit, i thought? but you mention so much food on your blog, that i wonder if i met the correct person last year =)

WIST said...

hehe when i met u last year it was when i had toooo much booze the night before, and i was soo hangover-ish the next day. very very zombified, dunno if you can tell:p but actually i cant eat too much at one go so im a waste for buffets. i can eat alotta meals but just not everything at one go hehehe