Monday, March 26, 2007


Woohoo, I'm so happy these days! Finally the day is coming soon! I'm not gonna reveal what's going on just yet until everything is fully confirmed, otherwise it's gonna be such a big disappointment. So edgy and excited. :) I hope everything follows through, just waiting for good news now. I'm walking on air, grins. Wee, this is so so amazing bwahaha.

So far I've been going out catching up with friends and boozing as usual. We seem to be going to Iconic alot, hahaha. Ooh we've been to the korean karaoke twice too. It's called Christchurch Idol, how tacky. :p The songs there are very very outdated, but the soju and the free room charges (thanks to ken) keeps us going. They have this drink where they mix soju with yakult. It doesn't even taste alcoholic at all, more like sprite with yakult. But after quite a few jugs, whoa.. it hits you straight in the head haha.

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Anyhoo, I've been busy watching the new season of the simpsons, which we conveniently downloaded off the net. I've also conquered all episodes of my name is earl, some hongkie movies, wild hogs, 300, and the illusionist. I'm turning into a movie buff. -_-" The illusionist is awesome, i loved it! If you haven't watched it, go do yourself a favour and check it out.

p/s: btw, are the songs on my website annoying the shit outta anyone yet? :p you can tell me to switch it off if it's getting unbearable aight.


Anonymous said...

Nice variety of songs in your playlist...:-)

WIST said...

thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

haha..take it eazy babe~
nothing to worri ~ :)

WIST said...

hehe breathes ;P