Saturday, March 10, 2007

Queenstown - Puzzling World

So I didn't get my ass to posting up more photos from Queenstown. Thought I'd do so now before my photos start piling up.

While I was helping bigbadmama book her spa sessions while we were in Queenstown, the adverts for Stuart Landsborough's puzzling world caught my eye as I was browsing through the tourist attractions brochures while waiting at the reception. The entry fee was only ten dollars per person, and is located in Wanaka, only about an hour's drive from Queenstown. Awesome. I convinced bigbadwolf that we should go visit, and the next day we left to Wanaka.

Stuart Landsborough’s puzzling world is a unique attraction that specialises in puzzling eccentricity. It offers the world's first modern-styled great maze, incredible illusion rooms, and eccentric architecture and installations. We had fun playing around with the camera taking photos in weird angles and positions. I'm too lazy to upload the videos haha, so photos will do hey. :p

The illusion rooms are so coool! You can see some of the photos later as you scroll down haha. We probably spent around an hour in the illusion rooms before we headed off to the puzzling maze. Pretty soon we realised that the weather was too hot and sunny, not very ideal when you're lost in the maze while sweating like a pig. It was really frustrating because there seemed to be so many dead ends! Nooo, I can do it! We kept bumping into the same people, and we'd exchange sympathetic smiles and carried on walking around persistently trying to accomplish it.

Wee... puzzling world here we come!
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The weather was almost too perfect. I love this trippy pic! :p
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Bidbadwolf going at it after bigbadsis finished it so quickly. He wants to prove something eh hehe. Thats me constipated grins.
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The illusion rooms. I seriously am standing upright in the second pic, like I was in the first, but why does it look like I'm tilting forward? Ooh, for that particular room, the floor is tilted. It was pretty hard trying not to fall over hahaha. You can lose your balance soo easily in here. Makes me feel abit dizzy too! :p
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Look at us, we're both midgets! What happened!! "Honey I shrunk the kids!"
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"Oops, isn't that the right size now? Oh noo.. they're giants now!" Lol. So coool!
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Here comes the complicated bit. Ready, steady, go!
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Ah, we found the first corner, after fifteen minutes though haha.
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Then forty five minutes past, and we were still stuck. Oh man, this is more streneous then we thought.
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Finally the blue corner! By then it was time to leave, as the other bigbaddies were waiting for us impatiently. Bigbadsis had some function to attend two hours later, and she wanted us to rush back home now. So nooo, it's not our fault we didnt finish, grins. You know I could've! ;P
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Us playing the fools before we left. Who da man? :P
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We got home burnt as after. It's a great one off experience, but probably not worth going back again and again since you would've seen and known everything by then, which doesn't make it challenging anymore. ;)


Piffles said...

looks really fun!

WIST said...

haha yeah it wasnt too bad actually

Anonymous said...

wow tha's very interesting~
hehe...see NZ ain't so boring after all eh~

WIST said...

yeah.. but you dont get to do all these everyday.. hahaha thats when you go on holidays :P