Friday, March 09, 2007

Taiwan Indigenous Show

A few weeks ago, bigbadwolf had to do some temporary work with the hwahsinsociety as a translator and to work with the convention centre stage support people. They were working on a big cultural show that was to be performed by the Yuanyuan indigenous culture troupe from Taiwan.

The cultural show was organised to promote the taiwanese culture and to bring racial harmony in nz. It was also to inform people that dna tests had been done and it has been proven that the Maoris and the Taiwanese Indigenous people are actually genetically linked. Ooh boi, I never knew that!

I tagged along with bigbadwolf and sat around bored while he was at work. The only time I enjoyed was during their dinner functions hehehe, the food was delicious! They all made corny jokes about me being bigbadwolf's p.a., I only smiled in reply. That's only because in my head, I was picturing that I covered the big boss position instead, and that bigbadwolf was feeding me grapes while fanning me with the other hand bwahaha. If only.

Of course I got free tickets to watch the show. It was quite entertaining, I was pretty much laughing throughout the whole performance. The emcee was hilarious, and they made lots of smartass jokes haha. They made speeches here and there, which I found rather informative but boring.

After the show ended, I went backstage and the performers decided to give me the flowers they received so that they could get rid off them but I was like hell no hahaha. Thanks but no thanks, rubbish is to your right hunny. :P We went for dinner straight after with the crew. I ended up laughing my guts out more than I ate, those people were a funny bunch keeping us entertained making stupid bets, they were so silly and friendly!

Bigbadwolf and I back stage with the crazy bunch ;)
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