Thursday, March 08, 2007

Why Do I Blog Tag

I've been tagged, yet again haha, this time by yvonne. (:

What are the six reasons why I blog?

1. I was first introduced to the blogging world by xes. From then on, I became very much exposed to the complicated htmls world, still not coping very well with it haha. It is a very convenient way for me to keep track with what my friends are up to and it sure is much more interestingly illustrasted and written, compared to a short email which prolly only occurs from time to time, and you can be sure of, gradually dies down after a while.

2. Blogging not only informs, but it also prevents the hassle of repeating stories and jokes for a hundred times, which then loses its humour after awhile, haha. I don't have to tell each person individually, which saves alot of time and breath. Of course, nothing still beats one to one conversations, but you know what I mean. ;)

3. It's makes a great substitute for a punching bag, I can vent, be brutally straightforward, abuse the shit out of it, yet have all the this-is-my-blog-so-sod-off rights. It's also a great record of your life, I just need to check back on my past entries to view what I've been up to and it sure is rather helpful when I need to remember specific dates.

4. Since I'm always away from my family, and currently away from all my gurlies and relos, we can update one another on what we're doing when we miss each other on msn. It's awesome when you can share your sorrows and happiness virtually without the need to speak and be physically close. For those in long distance relationships, it's a good source to update on your partners to see what they're doing, what they've been up to, or see how they are feeling too.

5. It also helps when I feel the need to share some things in life, like when I need an ear to listen to, (well eyes for this instant) but do not want any feedbacks of any sort at times. People can then just read, understand, and give me the space that I need instead of darting questioning eyes at me when the darkness in me acts up haha.

6. When I'm rotting from boredom and have killed enough trees from doodling too much, I can write rubbish and pass time here. This way, my personal journal doesn't have to tolerate with this kinda shit, hahaha. I have this habit of doodling and drawing too much after writing entries in my journal.

I think I'll just tag anyone who wants to do this. Any volunteers? ;P


Anonymous said...

ya sha i mis u namuahh come bak wei


WIST said...


Anonymous said...

Blogging rox!

WIST said...

haha its not too bad;)