Sunday, March 04, 2007

DIY Roti Canai

The other day while we were shopping for grocery, I was scanning the shop desperately trying to find anything close to roti canai and the only thing that came close was turkish bread and pastry skin. -_-" I guess I should've just tried the chinese grocery shops eh. I went to some taiwanese ones but couldn't find any either!

In the end we decided to make some ourselves. See what Malaysian food does to you, ooh how I miss Malaysian food! Someone should set up a mamak stall over here man.

So much hassle just for roti canai, if I was in Malaysia, I'll just pop over at Sriga, the mamak stall I always go to for yummy roti canai, fish curry and tandoori chicken. Ooh, and my favourite teh o ais limau, thats ice lime tea! :p All for less then five bucks? Hahaha.

It's so hard to fry roti canai with an electronic stove, adjustment of the heat takes awhile, and it burns easily. After some trial and error, I figured out that butter had to go on top so that it doesnt end up turning black, and that heat had to be at its very very lowest.

Bigbadwolf decided that we should have some roti milo too hehehe, it turned out pretty good! I forgot to take a pic of that because we rushed to eat it while it was hot. He loves Malaysian food now!

Knead knead, roll roll, cook cook, tadaah!
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Chicken curry to go with it! We got hungry later at night and made some pizzas too yum, there can never be too much cheese on pizzas! Bigbadwolf couldn't even look after the oven for over ten minutes, and it got too hot on the left side, hence the burn. -_-" Boys. He went to watch Death Note 2 and got carried away. :p What was I doing? Hehehe, eating more roti canai of course!


Anonymous said...

I want some 2^@^

Anonymous said...

hey babe..
well if u can find puff pastry... it's pretty similar to roti canai.. and tats wat is served at malaya... so give it a go.. hehe

Anonymous said...

that looks delish babe~ yum yum...
me might go get me some malaysian tonite..hehehee

WIST said...

hahaha thanks!!

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